
Morrison Co. SKYWARN Spotters and Spotter Wannabe’s:


(1)  In-person spotter training 2-4pm Sunday, March 6 at St. Mary’s Church in Upsala.

(2)  Spotter training via ZOOM  6-8pm Friday, March 11.

The Nat’l Weather Service requires SKYWARN spotters to renew their training every 2 years and recommends annual renewal.

In mid-November the NWS in Chanhassen received approval to conduct in-person spotter training for the 2022 season.  Depending on Covid-19 status, that approval may be rescinded.  In that case, we will switch to ZOOM for remote training, still 2-4pm on March 6.  A second training session via ZOOM is scheduled for 6-8pm Friday, March 11.  The Zoom link(s) will be distributed via email.  Watch for updates via emails and the Morrison Co. Record.

COVID statement:

Consistent with St. Mary’s Church requirements, wearing masks is required.  Also consistent with Church requirements, as presenter, I am excused from mask-wearing.  As an extra precaution, I will conduct an at-home test 2 days prior to the in-person training event and then self-quarantine.  St. Mary’s dining hall will easily accommodate social distancing.

FYI:  Morrison Co. Skywarn places a high priority on spotter safety.  Attached is a chart I’ve been updating daily from May 2020 to present, showing the number of daily new COVID cases for MN and Morrison & surrounding counties.  It does not include at-home test positives.

Also attached is a map to St. Mary’s Church in Upsala.

Pre-registration form is at the end of this email.

Peace Officers:

This course is approved for 2 credits for continuing education.  This includes licensed deputies, city officers, DNR officers, state patrol, and retired officers that are maintaining their license.

In Person Training March 6:  No pre-registration required for veteran Morrison Co. Spotters but RSVPs via a reply to this email are appreciated.  For new spotters to Morrison Co. please fill in the pre-registration form below and reply to this email or send an email to to request pre-registration material.

ZOOM Training March 11 (and possibly March 6):  Veteran Morrison Co. Spotters – please RSVP via a reply to this email. For new spotters to Morrison Co. please fill in the pre-registration form below and reply to this email or send an email to to request pre-registration material.

ZOOM Session Numbers and Passcodes:  these will be sent via email to RSVP-ers a day before the training session.  If you have not already installed ZOOM software, please take a moment (5-10 minutes) before the session to do so after you receive the session #.  A video camera on your computer is not necessary.

Hams:  For amateur radio mobile spotters, net operations will utilize the Little Falls repeater, 147.135 MHz tone 123.  Note this is a change from previous years.  The Avon repeater, 147.105 tone 85.4 will be the backup repeater.

Morrison Co. needs more Skywarn Spotters, especially mobile ham operators.

Pre-registration form.