The next meeting is at 12:00 noon on Saturday July 20th 2024. It will take place in the DARC Romm 40012. Also it is on FCS 001-55 and on Echolink on N0BJN-L node 925804 Any paid up member for 2024 can take part. Anyone else can attend but they cannot vote.
DARC Meeting 5/18/2024
This is an in person meeting at 12 noon at Jill’s Cafe
388 4th St SW,
Richmond, MN 56368
New FCS Bridge
We’ve had four outages over a day long each in four weeks on the DARC Room Bridge FCS 004-29. It appears to be the guy running the FCS 004 has computers failing or he’s not keeping up with restarts and or computer upkeep to keep it running like it should.
We have moved the DARC Room Bridge off the FCS 004-29 to the new FCS 001-55 that Shannon has been running for several months now without issues. The DARC Room 40012 will continue as before with it’s NØBJN-L Echolink 925804. Only the NØBJN-BRDG has moved to FCS 001-55. Please forward this info to the DARC Membership & post it to the DARC Website.
Thank You,
Rick Houle NØBJN
Little Falls
DARC Meeting 3/30/2024
The meeting of Digital Amateur Radio Club for the 16th has been rescheduled.
It will take place on March 30th at 11:00 am in the DARC Room 40012.
All members who are paid up for 2023 or 2024 are invited to participate.
It is also available on Echolink N0BJN-L 925804, and FCS reflector FCS00429
DARC Meeting 1/20/2024
The next meeting of the Digital Amateur Radio Club will a virtual meeting.
It will take place on Jan. 20th at 3:pm In the DARC Room 40012.
All members who are paid up for 2023 are invited to participate.
For those who access the DARC Room from a repeater, the Avon 443.650 repeater is making a noise after each transmission. So, it won’t be connected to the DARC room until that is fixed.
It is also available on Echolink N0BJN-L 925804, and FCS reflector FCS00429